Loaded Sweet Potato Fries

Looking to introduce something refreshing to your menu? Give these delectable loaded sweet potato fries a try. Sweet potato fries are a popular alternative to regular fries. They stay warm and crispy for longer thanks to their special coating, making them perfect for takeaway and delivery dishes. A unique (takeaway) dish for your guests!

This is what you need for two people
This is how you prepare your dish
  1. Slice the avocado and red chili.

  2. Prepare the fries according to the package instructions.

  3. Place the avocado and red chili on top of the fries.

  4. Add a drizzle of garlic sauce. Sprinkle it with coriander, parsley and chili.

In just five minutes you’re ready to serve this delicious dish to your guests, wherever they are.

Curious about Sweet Potato fries?

More flavour, shape and excitement

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