
Farm Frites Egypt was the first to introduce the concept of desert cultivation and soil reclamation. The company introduced new planting, harvesting, and post harvesting techniques coupled with machinery integration.

The business developed new varieties of potatoes, perfecting growing and harvesting methods. As a result, there are better quality potato crops that can compete with international products whilst sustaining a healthy environment. Our potatoes are 100% Egypt-grown, and we take pride in providing our customers with the best field-fresh products throughout the year to obtain the best product quality.

Our growers

Farm Frites believes in long-lasting relationships with our growers, founded on mutual respect, trust and a shared passion for producing the tastiest potatoes. Some of our farmers hail from agricultural families that we have worked with for over 25 years. We partner with over 750 potato growers. Together, we're committed not only to producing high-quality potatoes but also to sustainable farming practices that respect the earth. With impressive craftsmanship and intimate knowledge of our potato varieties, our farmers nurture potatoes for Farm Frites all over the world, from the Netherlands and Belgium to Poland and Egypt.

Did you know?

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    Our first fries were made from the versatile Bintjes in 1971.

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    We cultivate potato varieties in diverse climates across the globe.

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    Every year, we transform 1.5 million tonnes of potatoes into delicious potato products.

Egypt farmer

Our potato experts

With a dedicated team of international potato experts, we pride ourselves on a deep understanding of potato cultivation. Passed down from generation to generation, this wealth of knowledge is refined by today’s potato experts and agronomists. For over fifty years, Farm Frites has proudly built upon its agricultural roots, working in harmony with both people and nature.

Our agronomists continuously expand their expertise with insights from around the globe, following developments in potato cultivation closely. Our field managers support our growers in their day-to-day efforts, guiding them to make the most informed decisions regarding fertilisation, irrigation, and disease prevention. Employing innovative tools like Agro ICT, we continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible in sustainable potato cultivation.

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Our potatoes

Farm Frites uses a variety of potato breeds, each selected to thrive in specific climatic zones and soil types. Working closely with our growers, our potato experts are continuously working to find new optimal varieties. Out of over 800,000 varieties, only a few emerge as champions after years of research, testing, and refinement. We produce our extensive range of fries and potato specialties from about 20 varieties.

Cultivate success with Farm Frites

Interested to learn more about our work or our delicious potatoes? Keen to join our team of dedicated growers? We would love to hear from you.

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