Working at Farm Frites

Working at Farm Frites offers the best of both worlds – the strength and reach of a global player combined with the benefits of a family-owned company. You'll join forces with 1,500 Farm Frites colleagues to bring smiles to customers all over the world with our wide range of over 80 different types of fries, potato specialties and appetizers. These delicious products are served in more than 100 countries.

Eqypt Piramide Truck

Our story

Farm Frites was established in Egypt in 1988 as a joint venture between Farm Frites Netherlands and Kuwait Food Company - better known as Americana. The Farm Frites plant in Egypt is one of the largest Farm Frites plants in the world, offering the largest potato growing operation in the Middle East and Africa thanks to the combination of our innovative technology and our team's unwavering commitment to quality excellence.

Nick Baggerman
Every day is different in my job. Because I’m an all-rounder, I have to be able to master and carry out all functions. As we’re working with a natural product, I need to be able to respond to situations and act fast. My work is extremely varied as a result.

Nick Baggerman - Allround Production Operator

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