Fast preparation

In professional kitchens, where every second counts, efficient time management is crucial. Farm Frites recognises the challenges chefs face in balancing multiple tasks. That's why we've developed a line of fries that are quick and easy to prepare. Introducing: Fast Fry Fries, Quick Oven Fries, and Sweet Potato Fries.

For those moments when speed is of the essence, our fast preparation fries are your go-to choice, allowing you to serve high-quality fries in under two minutes. For kitchens without a deep fryer, we offer Quick Oven Fries. These fries are ready after just four minutes in the oven and allow you to serve tasty, crunchy fries without the need for frying oil. Our Sweet Potato Fries provide the versatility and delicious flavour your guests desire and are also quick to prepare, ready in just 1.5 to 2 minutes.

Are you ready to improve your kitchen's efficiency and delight your customers with our fast preparation fries?

Fast Fry Fries canteen

Fast Fry

Fast Fry is our selection of quality fries that are easy to prepare and ready to serve in under two minutes. That’s the convenience of Fast Fry. Perfect for those busy peak hours, these fries maintain the high standard you've come to expect from our products. Available in sizes of 7mm, 10mm and crinkle cut.

Quick Oven Fries Visual Train

Quick Oven Fries

Delicious, crunchy fries that are easy to prepare. That’s what our Quick Oven range is all about. Simply place these fries in your professional oven for four minutes and your fries are ready to serve. Perfect for kitchens without a deep fryer.

Sweet Potato fries cone take away (landscape)

Sweet Potato Fries

Our Sweet Potato Fries are quick to prepare and can be ready to serve in just 1.5 to 2 minutes. These long skin-on fries have a special coating that keeps them warm and crispy for longer. This popular alternative to regular fries provides the versatility and delicious flavour your guests are looking for.

Frank Everink

Cooking consultant Rational – The Netherlands

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Thanks to Quick Oven Fries, you can effortlessly serve delicious fries during à la carte dinners. Using the Rational oven at 185°C with hot air and 30% humidity, the fries always turn out perfectly. Our customers enjoy flavourful convenience, whether the fries are frozen or defrosted. Ideal for locations without a deep fryer, such as a gas stations or cafeterias.
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Quick Oven Fries Crinkle

Quick Oven

Crinkle Fries

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